The Unexplained Breakup…!!!

breakupThis is just an excerpt of my upcoming post.

A relationship of two lovebirds ended abruptly after almost a year and a half.  The reason being the boy ignoring the innocent girl for reason best known exclusively to him.  After a hard six long months, the girl fell for one of her many admirers just to beat the emotional trauma she had suffered from the breakup.

Now, after almost a year since the breakup, the boy texted the girl on her birthday only to be shot back with what she had gone through all this long.  She was still unhappy about the unexplained breakup.  In spite of being in a healthy relationship with the new boyfriend, she did not hesitate to gush out the sadness she had endured because of the boy.  The boy kept quiet throughout the discourse.  Then came the text message from the girl, “don’t forget that there will always be a special place in my heart for you.”

The boy did not have a word, but to weep deep within.

He texted back, “stay happy and stay blessed,  take care.”

Extended version coming up in my next post.  Keep visiting.